Engine Timing Crankshaft Sprocket Every time the piston moves from Top Dead Center (TDC) to Bottom Dead Center (BDC), its engine must rotate a full 360 degrees. In order to synchronize their timing and ensure correct timing of camshaft and crankshaft rotations with each other, a timing belt connects them, passing over camshaft sprocket, water pump sprocket and crankshaft pulley and connecting all these parts - vitally necessary as the mechanical spark distributor must ignite fuel/air mix combustion that creates hot high pressure gases which propel forward during compression stroke and drive it backward during exhaust stroke - while all this belted connectivity ensures proper timing between camshaft/crankshaft rotations.
Modern engines are equipped with sensors that inform their computer of when their engine has reached TDC - the exact point measured in degrees when its pistons have stopped turning - enabling it to set ignition timing accordingly. On older engines however, manual ignition timing adjustments must be set manually by turning the crankshaft until an indicator on the pulley indicates when you have reached an acceptable degree before TDC.
Finding the proper timing can be accomplished using various devices; digital levels being one such. Tape or clamp it securely to the front of the crankcase close to where it contacts the rear crankshaft spinner; make sure its face perpendicular to spinning prop and use weighted items such as small plumb bobs or pieces of lead attached to its indicator pointer to hold it down while its tip points upward.
Remove the spark plugs from cylinder No. 1, and install the aluminum piston stop pin that comes with your timing indicator. Thread this pin fully into the top spark plug hole in No. 1, to prevent your piston from going too deep into its compression stroke and potentially causing damage to valves and walls during compression stroke. If your engine has four cylinders, skip this step for all other cylinders.
Turn on the engine and set the timing light. For best results, it is important to keep light leads away from rotating engine components like fans or belts so as to prevent engine damage or an alteration to the timing reading.
As your engine idles, shine a pulse of light over the timing marks on your crankshaft pulley and watch how they respond when exposed to pulses of light from an indicator. Your stationary line should move with each light pulse. Your indicator should be set so its mark indicates 180deg when piston is at bottom dead center (BDC).
Jiaxing Befeite Chain Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd employs an efficient manufacturing process for its high-quality steel timing sets, using methods like tempering, heat treating and precision machining & surface hardening processes that yield strong teeth that resist wear abrasion. By contrast, most sprockets manufactured today utilise powder metallurgy methods which result in fragile teeth that wear down easily over time.